Power Through Compliance, Pain Free!

Say Good-bye to the hassle of manual compliance: CompliBot AI, our AI-First powerhouse SaaS, reduces your team’s security questionnaire time from hours to minutes. Make manual compliance a thing of the past!

The Problem:

The Problem:

Compliance is Slow. We Need to Fix That.

Compliance is still largely a manual process.

Skill Gaps and Talent Shortages cause delays

Essential cybersecurity processes, such as filling out long forms, questionnaires and assessments are arduous and repetitive.

Existing tools are still inadequate and do not resolve these issues.

“40% of organizations use manual processes such as spreadsheets …”


Compliance is also expensive.


Even More So!

  • Compliant Organizations Spent around $5.5 Million Dollars.
  • Fines and Cyber Attacks cost Non-compliant Organizations around $15 Million Dollars.

Over 63% of All Data Breaches can be linked back to Third-Party Vendors.

  • Over 63% of all data breaches can be linked back to third-party vendors. This makes Third-Party Management the most serious security challenge facing organization.
  • The average organizations spends over a third of their compliance budget on Third-party Risk Management (TPRM)

Source: CyberGRX Ponemon Report “The Cost of Third-Party Cybersecurity Risk Management”, March 2019, independently conducted by the Ponemon Institute LLC & Soha Systems Third Party Advisory Group Survey, 2016

So Much Time ….

So Much Money ….

The Average Organization spends

15,000 Hours &
$1.9 Million Annually

on TPRM …

Mostly filling out SIG Forms!

What is the Standard Information Gathering (SIG) Form?

Shared Assessments is a non-profit focused on Third Party Risk Management (TPRM). It provides the industry standard TPRM questionnaire comprised of hundreds of questions.

Regardless of the compliance required for your industry, TPRM vetting is based on these same questions or a subset. The CORE questionnaire contains over 850 Questions and covers 21 Risk Domains.

The SIG Questionnaire is thought of as the gold standard and foundational for vetting your Third-Party Vendors. A STIG Form is needed when assessing within the DoD compliance requirements.

Third Party Risks and Compliance Requirements

There Has to be a Better Way!

Meet Third Party Risk Management’s New Super Hero

CompliBot AI!

CompliBot AI is the world’s first AI-powered, conversational Deep Learning LLM that answers your Compliance questions and provides explainability, citing where and how the answers were derived.

CompliBot powers CompliForm, and together they are the first comprehensive automated tool that can automatically generate and fill out those long forms, questionnaires, and assessments.

You can ask CompliBot any compliance question focused on NIST 800-53B & SOC 2 by typing (phase 1) and speaking (phase 2).  Additional frameworks such as ISO27001 and HIPAA are being added

CompliBot AI provides Answers with Remediation

Guidance and Explainability

CompliBot AI

  • Provide up to 90% Savings in both Cost and Time.
  • Free up Security Teams and Budgets.
  • Organizations can spend less time in reactive mode and more time in maintenance, predictive and innovative activities that move your organization forward.

“It took me 15 hours to complete a full SIG Questionnaire that our CompliBot AI can fill out in 15 minutes”

Debra Baker, President & Co-Founder CompliBot AI

Why Us?

CompliBot AI Differentiators

  • We are an “AI First” Product
  • To date, we are the only product on the market solely focused on Compliance
  • Our LLM uses “Deep Learning” – relying on Neural Networks, along with Machine Learning (ML). “Deep Learning is the “AI” that most companies are excited about! The majority of products in this space rely solely on Machine Learning.
  • CompliBot will have a conversational AI component, so you can ask it any compliance question and, eventually, talk to it.
  • Our product is reflective of the excellence, experience and cohesiveness of our team:

The Market Size for CompliBot is…

Market Research Future’s Third-party Risk Management Research Report, released October 2023, reports the Total Market Revenue at 8.68 B USD for 2022 and forecasts a continued Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.8% 2022-2030. The North American Market generates the most revenue at 42.6% of the TAM.  CompliBot AI initial Target Market is North America.

CompliBot AI Traction

  • Pre-Seed Stage
  • Patent-pending CompliBot AI
  • Uniform Systems is our Alpha Customer

⚬Allowing us to use their security policies to train CompliBot

⚬Allowing us to test filling out vendor questionnaires

  • POC’s through Discovery and Excited for Demo (continuing talks)

⚬One of the world’s largest providers of IT Products and Services serving five major tech verticals.

⚬A Fortune 100 provider of financial products including life, disability income and long-term care insurance;  retirement/401k plan services; and annuities

⚬A North American autonomous vehicle company utilizing an AI-first autonomy stack

CompliBot At Your Service

Ask: $1.2 m to get CompliBot Operational and Online as a SaaS